The Java Scripting API()

  本篇文章为你整理了The Java Scripting API()的详细内容,包含有 The Java Scripting API,希望能帮助你了解 The Java Scripting API。



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This section introduces the Java Scripting API and describes how the Java Scripting API (defined by JSR 223) is used to embed scripts in your Java applications. It also provides a number of examples with Java classes, which demonstrate the features of the Java Scripting API.


  The Nashorn engine is deprecated in JDK 11 in preparation for removal in a future release.

The JavaScript Package

   The Java Scripting API consists of classes and interfaces from the javax.script package. It is a relatively small and simple package with the ScriptEngineManager class as the starting point. A ScriptEngineManager object can discover script engines through the JAR file service discovery mechanism, and instantiate ScriptEngine objects that interpret scripts written in a specific scripting language.

   The Nashorn engine is the default ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine bundled with the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). The Nashorn engine was developed fully in Java by Oracle as part of an OpenJDK project, Project Nashorn.

   Although Nashorn is the default ECMAScript engine used by the Java Scripting API, you can use any script engine compliant with JSR 223, or you can implement your own. This document does not cover the implementation of script engines compliant with JSR 223, but at the most basic level, you must implement the javax.script.ScriptEngine and javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory interfaces. The abstract class javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine provides useful defaults for a few methods in the ScriptEngine interface.

The following examples show you how to use the Java Scripting API in Java. To keep the examples simple, exceptions are not handled. However, there are checked and runtime exceptions thrown by the Java Scripting API, and they should be properly handled. In every example, an instance of the ScriptEngineManager class is used to request the Nashorn engine (an object of the ScriptEngine class) using the getEngineByName() method. If the engine with the specified name is not present, null is returned. For more information about using the Nashorn engine, see the Nashorn Users Guide.


   Each ScriptEngine object has its own variable scope; see Using Multiple Scopes.

Evaluating a Statement

   In this example, the eval() method is called on the script engine instance to execute JavaScript code from a String object.


import javax.script.*;


  public class EvalScript {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code

   engine.eval("print(Hello, World)");



Evaluating a Script File

   In this example, the eval() method takes in a FileReader object that reads JavaScript code from a file named script.js. By wrapping various input stream objects as readers, it is possible to execute scripts from files, URLs, and other resources.


import javax.script.*;


  public class EvalFile {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code




Exposing a Java Object as a Global Variable

   In this example, a File object is created and exposed to the engine as a global variable named file using the put() method. Then the eval() method is called with JavaScript code that accesses the variable and calls the getAbsolutePath() method.


   The syntax to access fields and call methods of Java objects exposed as variables depends on the scripting language. This example uses JavaScript syntax, which is similar to Java.


import javax.script.*;



  public class ScriptVars {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // create File object

   File f = new File("test.txt");

   // expose File object as a global variable to the engine

   engine.put("file", f);

   // evaluate JavaScript code and access the variable




Invoking a Script Function

   In this example, the eval() method is called with JavaScript code that defines a function with one parameter. Then, an Invocable object is created and its invokeFunction() method is used to invoke the function.


   Not all script engines implement the Invocable interface. This example uses the Nashorn engine, which can invoke functions in scripts that have previously been evaluated by this engine.


import javax.script.*;


  public class InvokeScriptFunction {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code that defines a function with one parameter

   engine.eval("function hello(name) { print(Hello, + name) }");

   // create an Invocable object by casting the script engine object

   Invocable inv = (Invocable) engine;

   // invoke the function named "hello" with "Scripting!" as the argument

   inv.invokeFunction("hello", "Scripting!");



Invoking a Script Objects Method

   In this example, the eval() method is called with JavaScript code that defines an object with a method. This object is then exposed from the script to the Java application using the script engines get() method. Then, an Invocable object is created, and its invokeMethod() method is used to invoke the method defined for the script object.


   Not all script engines implement the Invocable interface. This example uses the Nashorn engine, which can invoke methods in scripts that have previously been evaluated by this engine.


import javax.script.*;


  public class InvokeScriptMethod {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code that defines an object with one method

   engine.eval("var obj = new Object()");

   engine.eval("obj.hello = function(name) { print(Hello, + name) }");

   // expose object defined in the script to the Java application

   Object obj = engine.get("obj");

   // create an Invocable object by casting the script engine object

   Invocable inv = (Invocable) engine;

   // invoke the method named "hello" on the object defined in the script

   // with "Script Method!" as the argument

   inv.invokeMethod(obj, "hello", "Script Method!");



Implementing a Java Interface with Script Functions

   In this example, the eval() method is called with JavaScript code that defines a function. Then, an Invocable object is created, and its getInterface() method is used to create a Runnable interface object. The methods of the interface are implemented by script functions with matching names (in this case, the run() function is used to implement the run() method in the interface object). Finally, a new thread is started that runs the script function.


import javax.script.*;


  public class ImplementRunnable {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code that defines a function with one parameter

   engine.eval("function run() { print(run() function called) }");

   // create an Invocable object by casting the script engine object

   Invocable inv = (Invocable) engine;

   // get Runnable interface object

   Runnable r = inv.getInterface(Runnable.class);

   // start a new thread that runs the script

   Thread th = new Thread(r);





Implementing a Java Interface with the Script Objects Methods

   In this example, the eval() method is called with JavaScript code that defines an object with a method. This object is then exposed from the script to the Java application using the script engines get() method. Then, an Invocable object is created, and its getInterface() method is used to create a Runnable interface object. The methods of the interface are implemented by the script objects methods with matching names (in this case, the run method of the obj object is used to implement the run() method in the interface object). Finally, a new thread is started that runs the script objects method.


import javax.script.*;


  public class ImplementRunnableObject {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // evaluate JavaScript code that defines a function with one parameter

   engine.eval("var obj = new Object()")

   engine.eval(" = function() { print( method called) }");

   // expose object defined in the script to the Java application

   Object obj = engine.get("obj");

   // create an Invocable object by casting the script engine object

   Invocable inv = (Invocable) engine;

   // get Runnable interface object

   Runnable r = inv.getInterface(obj, Runnable.class);

   // start a new thread that runs the script

   Thread th = new Thread(r);





Using Multiple Scopes

   In this example, the script engines put() method is used to set the variable x to a String object hello. Then, the eval() method is used to print the variable in the default scope. Then, a different script context is defined, and its scope is used to set the same variable to a different value (a String object world). Finally, the variable is printed in the new script context that displays a different value.

   A single scope is an instance of the javax.script.Bindings interface. This interface is derived from the java.util.Map String, Object interface. A scope is a set of name and value pairs where the name is a non-empty, non-null String object. The javax.script.ScriptContext interface supports multiple scopes with associated Bindings for each scope. By default, every script engine has a default script context. The default script context has at least one scope represented by the static field ENGINE_SCOPE. Various scopes supported by a script context are available through the getScopes() method.


import javax.script.*;


  public class MultipleScopes {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

   ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();

   ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");

   // set global variable


   // evaluate JavaScript code that prints the variable (x = "hello")


   // define a different script context

   ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();

   newContext.setBindings(engine.createBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

   Bindings engineScope = newContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

   // set the variable to a different value in another scope

   engineScope.put("x", "world");

   // evaluate the same code but in a different script context (x = "world")

   engine.eval("print(x)", newContext);



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